27 novembre 2021 - 27 février 2022
Exposition de groupe
Commissariat d'exposition
Kristina Scepanski
Liste des oeuvres
Communiqué de presse
NIMMERSATT?Imagining Society without GrowthHuman activity has a decisive influence on the environment. The economically privileged Global North islargely of the opinion that there is no other option thanthat of growth. Yet growth is finite, processes have gotout of balance, are developed on the basis of socialinequality and the exploitation of nature. This makesit imperative for us to diverge from existing paths, todeliberately abandon customary maxims regarded asself-evident, and to engage in a discussion about thedogma of more and more, further and further.Wealth and the constant growth of capital alonecannot deliver on the promise of happiness. What isnecessary is to reconsider what has been valid to date and to act in a spirit of community. What can take theplace of the economic and social models that haveprevailed to date? How can renunciation become amatter of future-oriented routine? What regional andglobal measures can provide a new resource and climate-friendly definition of consumption, and whatnew ideas in the sense of creative resourcefulnesscan be introduced into society? Can we imagine newobjectives concerning to communal life, can wechange our habits and act individually and jointly?The group exhibition “Nimmersatt? ImaginingSociety without Growth” takes as its point of departurethe current state of our environment and the prevailingsocial conditions. In the face of mutually determiningevents and phenomena, such as social inequality, climate changes, illness, war, flight and xenophobia, theexhibition uses the widespread lack of orientation andhelplessness so as to highlight and explore by artisticmeans concrete visions and also utopias of a societybeyond growth maxims. In an awareness of the impossibility of offering a single solution, this vacuum istransformed into a space for reflecting on possiblefuture scenarios in a way that is both critical-substantive and also enjoyably fantastic.“Nimmersatt?” extends over three institutionsin Münster: Kunsthalle Münster, LWL-Museum fürKunst und Kultur and Westfälischer Kunstverein. At allthree venues, artists will confront the imminent collapse of dominant social systems using different artistic media and approaches. In addition to a series ofworks on loan, the institutions will present several newproductions that are the fruits of dialogue and arebeing shown here for the very first time.
Curators:Merle Radtke, Kristina Scepanski, Marianne Wagner